Aerial involves performing gymnastic or dance-like moves from a suspended rig. It's very beginner friendly, with no previous experience, strength or flexibility needed. It's perfect for anyone who wants to build strength and flexibility but would like an environment different to a gym.
We're running new beginner, progressing beginner and intermediate hoop classes taught by qualified student instructors, along side free drop-in sessions for anyone who wants more time on the equipment. We are also planning to run silks classes in January, and silks are available for experienced aerialists in the drop-ins. Our classes take place in the SU, either in the Ballroom or the Vane Tempest. Members willl have the opportunity to perform in termly showcases, at events such as college balls, and to come to socials with other members!
Find us on Instagram: duaerialarts
Follow our Facebook: DU Aerial Arts Society
Email us at to be added to our mailing list.
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