First of all, I want to say the biggest thank you to everyone who turned out to the de-matriculation protest last month. It was by far the largest protest held by the #RippedOff campaign, and it was fantastic to see so many students, staff and local residents united in condemning the rip-off accommodation fees that are pricing so many out of a Durham education.
The protest was a great show of what can happen when students and student leaders from all colleges unite behind an issue. Seeing banners proudly painted bearing the names of every college, from Aidan’s to Hatfield, was a real highlight of the day. And this show of unity and support has continued since from your amazing JCR Presidents who have introduced and passed a motion in every college to support the #RippedOff campaign. Aidan’s have even started their own #RippedOff task force to coordinate action in their college. We’re stronger when we work together, and this unity makes me really hopeful for the future of the campaign.
Not only did the protest show the University the kind of numbers we can bring out against the accommodation fees (257 people signed the de-matriculation book), we also showed, with the presence of the local community and staff, that it’s not just students that are angry. The rise in accommodation fees are condemned from all angles, not just those paying them.
While, of course, the University chose to ignore our protest, we did make an impression on the media, who covered the protest across various channels and are now well aware of our campaign. We’ll make sure they are informed of every move we make.
Because we aren’t just waving our signs in the air and then leaving. The #RippedOff campaign is made of various different approaches and is ongoing. If you’re interested in how #RippedOff has developed over the last couple of years, and just how many times the University have angered students, you can view our timeline here.
As you can see on the timeline, there have also been some positive moves from the University, including the introduction of a tiered bursary system to give more students from a greater variety of backgrounds financial help. I won’t settle for this one improvement though, and will be pushing for an increase in the needs-based financial support offered by the University and working to ensure that resources are better targeted to those most in need.
We have also repeatedly called on the University to be more transparent in how accommodation fees are spent, with last year’s President Megan Croll securing agreement from the University that they would undertake a review of the cost of running colleges last June/July.
But what steps are we taking now? We showed our strength in numbers and the cracks are starting to appear, now we need to share the individual voices behind those banners.
So this Christmas, we’re asking you to write to the Vice Chancellor instead of Santa Claus, to explain just how personally affected you are by the extortionate accommodation fees. Blank postcards will be distributed in colleges, though you can also get as creative as you like with your writing materials! There’ll be a big purple postbox at reception in Dunelm House for you to post your letters.
Because all we want for Christmas is for the University to stop ripping us off.