As you are no doubt aware, the University is currently undergoing expansion and many students have expressed concerns about this.
Durham University’s 2017-2027 Strategy commits to expanding the student population in Durham City to a maximum of 21,500 students, up from 17,500 at the outset of the strategy. Throughout this year, students and student leaders have expressed serious concerns about the implications of this growth for the student experience and the quality of life in the city. Regular concerns raised relate to access to study space, access to support services such as counselling, pressure on the local housing market and pressure on local services such as NHS providers.
We believe it’s vital that students’ concerns about University growth are heard, and taken seriously. As a result we’ve managed to get the Vice Chancellor, Stuart Corbridge, to agree to attend a Town Hall meeting for students on University growth. At the meeting, the Vice Chancellor will explain why the University leadership believes this growth is necessary and answer questions from students. I hope that the meeting will provide a chance for meaningful discussion about the University’s planned growth, and can help make sure that the student voice is key in shaping the future of the University and Durham City.
The meeting is taking place on Friday 14 June from 16:30-18:30 in CG60, and it would be fantastic to see as many of you there as possible. You can pre-submit questions for the Vice Chancellor here. On the night, we will take a selection of pre-submitted questions and questions from the audience.