Every student in Durham should be able to access the wider opportunities available to them while studying here. There are many extra costs that come up for students in Durham, whether that’s the cost of a train ticket to recruitment events or pricey extracurricular activities. It’s so important that all students have access to the opportunities that will shape their future, and so I’m really pleased to see the introduction of the new Student Employability Fund available through the Careers & Enterprise Centre, in collaboration with the Scholarships and Student Funding Office.
The fund provides eligible students with a contribution towards the travel, subsistence or clothing costs associated with attending external recruitment activities and employability development experiences. It allows those that might otherwise be shut out of these opportunities to have a fair chance at pursuing their chosen career. This is so important when job interviews often require last minute train tickets, which are even more expensive than a standard journey.
The Careers & Enterprise Centre announced the fund: “We work to promote employability for all Durham students and graduates, to enable them to succeed in an increasingly competitive labour market. Through the provision of the Student Employability Fund, we aim to support students to develop the skills, attributes and experiences that will help them to progress into their chosen destination.”
I’m really pleased to see the Careers & Enterprise Centre addressing the extra costs that arise for students, an issue I hope to continue tackling more widely through my own work, in the belief that no Durham student should be priced out of the amazing student experience here. The Student Employability Fund is a brilliant step forward, and something I hope we can see more of in Durham.
You can find out the full details of the fund on the University’s website here.