During this year's elections, a lesser-known Durham community shot to fame after their unexpected (shared) victory in the competition to win a visit from two alpacas. This community was Cranmer Hall, a part of St John's College. We spoke to Claire Jones, Cranmer Hall's Common Room President, to find out more about the community behind the alpaca fever.
What's your role at Cranmer?
I've been the Cranmer Common Room president for the last year, a job which has been both sublime and ridiculous in equal measure. I'm also an MA student, and I'm training to be a vicar with my partner, Rose, who is doing the same.
How would you describe Cranmer to students in Durham who have never heard of it before?
We're a diverse community in every way: undergraduates to doctoral students, local lads/lasses to global citizens, 18 year olds to actual grandparents. Everyone here is studying theology and ministry in some capacity, whether that's because they're training to be ordained and lead a church, or they just want to study theology in a practical Christian context. I guess we're really all here because we've found Jesus to be very good news and we're keen to learn how to live out and share that news. That, or we just love the food...
What's the best thing about studying at Cranmer?
Where do I start?! Obviously being in Durham and on the Bailey is amazing, and we love being part of the University. We have a special relationship with Johns, which means Cranmer students get enthusiastically involved with everything from rugby to welfare to raft races. For me, it's the people who make it: I've made the most incredible friends here, and they're not always the people I'd have expected! Being part of the Cranmer community means learning to genuinely love those you passionately disagree with, and there's so much value in that.
Any fun facts about Cranmer's history?
Cranmer was the first Anglican college to train women for ministry, and our alumni include the first female bishop in the Church of England – Bishop Libby Lane is still really involved with the college. We have a portrait of Thomas Cranmer, our namesake, in the common room, often found adorned with a speech bubble and some witty commentary on college life. The theological puns know no bounds.
How did everyone at Cranmer react when they found out they'd be getting a visit from alpacas?
Last year, Prince Charles visited us, and there was all the excitement you'd expect when that was announced. But it was nothing compared to the alpaca hype. Judging by the flurry of excitement generated, I'm expecting homemade banners, specially written songs, costumes... the works. And no doubt the odd summative essay on the theological significance of alpacas.
If you had a pet alpaca, what would you name it?
Conquest, after one of the Four Horsemen of the Alpacalypse.
Image of St John's College courtesy of Durham University.