If you believe you are experiencing a mental health crisis, please contact your GP for a same day appointment, or call the NHS at 111 if it is out-of-hours. If the situation is life threatening, please call 999.
To arrange an appointment with the University’s Counselling Service, please visit their website or call them at 0191 334 2200
To receive support through the NHS, make an appointment with your GP. The NHS guide walks you through the various services you could be referred to.
The Samaritans provide a 24/7 non-judgmental and confidential listening service. They can be reached here or by calling 116 123.
You can also contact the student-led Nightline which operates every night during term time from 21:00 to 07:00. You can get in touch with them by calling their number listed on the back of your campus card, or instant messaging them here.
Colleges also offer support, both from fellow students who volunteer as Welfare Officers and also from the relevant pastoral staff member. You should be able to find out who these are on your college's webpages.