A year of unprecedented circumstances...
Jess Dunning reflects on her year as Opportunities Officer
If someone had told me when I ran for this position what a wild ride it would be, I wouldn’t have believed them. So much has happened throughout this year, some good, some bad and some just downright weird stuff. But I have learnt, grown and developed my skills in a way that I couldn’t possibly imagine! I’ve learnt so much about myself and what I am capable of than I even knew was possible. I have really had to stand up for myself this year (kindness not niceness) and I won’t lie, some of the situations I have been in this year have been awful, but I have come out much stronger as a person and as a leader.
I do not want to dwell too much on the bad experiences of this year. Between the general election and a pandemic, we don’t need any more surprises. So, let me give you my big highlights of the year because there were so many of them and I had forgotten just how much good I and the entire SU staff team have achieved in 365 days!
Now, despite having too much fun doing videos and Instagram takeovers and wearing the Pincident suit, I actually did do some real work. I have been vocal and stood up at every meeting in the interests of students and the wider student experience. I have made it my priority to consult with students and student group leaders on many issues and some amazing stuff has come out of it.
My main highlights are:
• Accessibility half hour for Fresher’s Fair
• Good relationships with university staff, sabbs from all over the country and members of the community
• Partnerships with Tyne and Wear Citizens, Durham Parish Council, Durham Market and the Radisson Blu hotel, as well as an array of wonderful independent local stores
• Real Living Wage Campaign
• Student Groups being nominated for and winning multiple national awards
• 17 days of sustainable Christmas
• UN Sustainable Development Goals campaign
• Wrote and passed a policy to sign the UN SDG Accord
• Re-introduced Presidents Forum for student group execs
• Looked at a new website and features
• Re-did the re-registration process for student groups
• Went to Edinburgh to support student groups
• Opening Kingsgate Bar and Café
• Diversifying the Riverside Bar and Café food and drink menu
• Mark (Duty Manager) winning the Ryan Reynolds cocktail making challenge (we haven't shared this one with you yet, but we can't wait...)
• Live acoustic nights in Kingsgate Bar and Café
• Gigs in the ballroom
• Durham’s Got Talent
• New study furniture in the SU to increase study spaces
• And so much more…
So many people to thank!
All in all, this year has been a bumpy ride with a lot of highs and lows. I can’t thank the SU staff team enough for all their help, especially Claire – my staff support – and Alison – my staff buddy, also Charlotte, Ellie, Ross and Gavin who I have given far too much work for them to do in such a small amount of time! To my Officer teammates, it’s going to be so strange not being with the four of you next year, but we made it! To the whole Opportunities and Commercial team – it’s been two whole years together (one as an Officer, one as a student staff member) and it’s going to be really weird not working with you!
I have about a week left, but for me this is probably the last article (unless something big happens in the next week) you’ll have from me. If you have read this far, thank you for your support and for allowing me to be your Opportunities Officer. It’s been a blast!
Jess out x