Every university does Freshers’ Week in their own unique way, and you may have noticed that Durham is no exception. We’ve answered some of your questions below, to help you make sense of it all!
When is Freshers’ Week?
Freshers’ Week starts Monday 30 September, but you will most likely be asked to arrive at your college the weekend just before this. If you’re an international fresher, you’ll likely arrive during the week before this. Your college will have the specific dates of your move-in, so make sure to check their Freshers’ materials!
Who runs Freshers’ Week?
There’s no single organisation that runs Freshers’ Week in Durham. Your week will be a mix of Durham SU, college and University-organised events. Your college will probably help you organise your week, including making sure you have time to attend the Freshers’ Fair and any academic commitments, while also providing a variety of events to keep you entertained.
You can also plan ahead using the University’s induction planner here.
Where can I get information about Freshers’ Week?
We’ll be keeping you informed on our social media (links in the footer below) and via email, but you will also want to join our Freshers’ Facebook group here. Your college will also have a Facebook group too – a quick search should find it!
What events are happening in Freshers’ Week?
All Durham SU’s events are here, but your college and the University will distribute their own information about their events. You can also check out the University’s induction planner here.
Do I need any tickets or wristbands?
All the events organised by Durham Students’ Union are free and don’t require tickets. There may be some events in your college that you will need to pay for – they should notify you about how to pay for these.
What about big club events?
One of the main differences between Freshers’ Week in Durham and Freshers’ Week at other Universities, is that a lot of the partying will happen in your college. You may decide to go out clubbing after a college event and sometimes club nights are specifically organised by your college. In general, we would not recommend booking any Freshers’ events that are organised by external providers as you may not have time for them with the packed schedule your college arranges!
How do I become a member of the Students’ Union?
As a student at Durham, you’re automatically a member! You do, however, need to activate your account to access the full benefits of you Union – for example being able to join student groups and buy tickets to future events. Find out how to activate your account here.
Are there any Freshers’ group chats?
If you want to find a group chat for your course or college, try posting in our Freshers’ Group to find them!
Got a question we haven’t answered? Email info@durhamsu.com or message our Facebook page for an answer!