Getting to know The Bubble

Friday 05-10-2018 - 10:30
Dsc 22091

We spoke to Anastasia from The Bubble about student media and how you can get involved.

Who are you and what’s your role within the student group?

My name is Anastasia and I'm The Bubble's Senior General Editor.

Describe the group in three words

Bold, Dynamic, Individual

Why (in your opinion) is your group the best in Durham?

Media societies are always some of the best and most influential of all societies, but why The Bubble is better than the rest is that our organisation is Anastasia blows bubbles at the Freshers' flexible. What this means is that you, as an individual, can really impact our society with nothing more than passion, ideas and elbow grease - we're open to anyone who approaches us with a striking idea, regardless of experience. All that and as we're an online magazine with no set publishing dates, we fit more easily into a busy student schedule.

What sort of things does your group get up to?

As we're Durham's online student magazine, the majority of what we do is work together to keep publishing on our website. Many talented students with varying roles make that happen - we have one-time contributors who write for us (anyone can - contact if interested), editors who write as well as edit, photographers who source images for our articles and many more. Of course, that's not all - we also hold socials and an end-of-year awards-giving party for our best writers and team members. Last year we had a red-carpet Oscar-themed ceremony on a private boat! We also have upcoming events for anyone interested in joining us - our Meet & Greet drinks evening and our Journalistic writing masterclass. You can find details of all of this on our Facebook page.

Which celebrity would you most like to have as a member of your group?

The answer has to be Louis Theroux, doesn't it? Imagine the hot docs he could make about Durham students (and faculty).

What are you most looking forward to in your group in the upcoming year?

The new members of the Bubble team I'll get to work with after our upcoming round of hiring around Freshers' - The Bubble is an organisation that is literally moulded in the image of its members, so by this time next year with our new colleagues it will have taken on new and amazing shapes! With new members come new ideas.

Photographs: Nick Boreham, Head of Photography at The Bubble.


Want to get to know more student groups? Give It a Go Week runs from the 8 - 14 October with a series of free taster sessions from a variety of student groups (including The Bubble!). Find out what you can try here.

Got a group you want students to get to know? Contact Ellie at to organise a Q+A.

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The Bubble, student group, Getting to know, Q+A,

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