The changes
We've just announced some signifciant changes to our Student Officer roles for 2017. The review that led to these changes has been driven by the current Officer team, who wanted to ensure that representation of Durham students was at the core of all elected Officer roles. The recommendations from this review, now passed by the SU Assembly include three new roles - Opportunities Officer, Postgraduate Academic Officer and Welfare and Liberation Officer. The current role of President will now also include leading on liaison with the local community, and the Academic Affairs Officer will now become the Undergraduate Academic Officer and the high representational components of the Development and Activities Officer roles falling within the remit of the Opportunities Officer.
Improving representation
"The aim of the changes to was to make sure that Officer roles have a clear area of representation, and that these align closely with current student needs and issues. This means that Officers can be held to account more effectively by students and that their areas of leadership and expertise are focused and effective when it comes to making change," says President Alice Dee.
Better postgraduate representation
The complex needs of academic representation, especially the need to increase postgraduate representation have been a priority in the changes. With postgraduate representation a focus for the work of Lisa Whiting, this year's Academic Affairs Officer this issue has been highlighted. "I became increasingly aware of the broad spectrum of postgraduate issues and how easily and often they are missed both in Union representation and by the University. I believe that this new role, along with that of Undergraduate Academic Officer will provide a strong voice to represent students' academic interests at Durham, and I'm really proud that Durham SU is recognising the importance of postgraduate representation and the need for this to be a full-time sabbatical role".
Being a Posgraduate Academic Officer
Sorana Vieru, Vice-President (Higher Education) for NUS reflects on the her experience as a Postgraduate Academic Officer.
"Running to be Bristol SU’s first Postgraduate Education Officer halfway through my PhD has been a decision I will never look back on. Campaigning in the election was a great experience, as was doing the job of representing students and working to improve the lives of postgraduates at my university - meeting lots of new people, using and developing skills I wouldn’t have through my studies and understanding how the university and the Higher Education sector works at a deeper level. This then gave me the confidence and inspiration to run for a national position and having the support of my thesis supervisor and funding body really helped, so I’m looking forward to continuing my studies this summer when my terms at NUS ends. If you’re passionate about making a difference, I really recommend you run to be an officer at Durham SU!"
If you're interested in running to be a Student Officer, you can find out more or nominate yourself here