Celebrate Saudi National Day in Durham

Monday 24-09-2018 - 13:06
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Celebrate Saudi National Day with the Saudi Students Club.


The Saudi Students Club is pleased to invite you all to attend the Saudi National Day event. This event will be held on Saturday 29 September, 16:00-18:00, in the Fonteyn Ballroom at Dunelm House.


The event of the Saudi national day anniversary is going to be held for the purpose of celebrating the Saudi National Day by the Saudi community. Academics and students of Durham University are invited. Guests will have the chance to meet with Saudi students and learn about the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through a variety of activities focusing on different aspects of life (culture, history, people, education, industry, music, geography, religion, and more..). Guests will also have the chance to try some of the famous Saudi/Arabic sweets, coffee, and main dishes for free. Furthermore, there is a gift bag for every single guest.


The Event also includes:

  1. Short presentations (Art in Saudi Arabia)
  2. Saudi Folklore Dance
  3. Posters and pamphlets (Saudi/Arabic food recipes)
  4. Have your picture taken within a tent wearing Saudi  traditional dress (you can bring  your own camera)
  5. Have your name written in Arabic calligraphy and learn some common Arabic vocabularies
  6. For ladies, have a beautiful henna (temporary tattoo) on your forehand for free.


It will be our pleasure to have you whoever you’d like to bring along.


We are looking forward to seeing you.


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Related Tags :

events, Saudi, Saudi National Day, International events,

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