About us

Durham SU was created by students in 1899 to bring students from across the university together.

Originally called the Durham Colleges Students’ Representative Council, the aim of the union was to allow students to work collectively, regardless of their college, on issues affecting Durham students.

The union was founded when there were only four colleges so its role as a place for students to come together across the colleges has become more valuable as the university has grown.

The ethos of bringing students from across the university together continues today and can be seen in the 250+ societies run by students with the support of the students’ union, elected union officers in representing students’ views at all levels of the university, campaigning on topics like getting more space in the Billy B, and associations for particular groups of students like trans students and mature students.

Nowadays, the union has its own building, the officers have specialist support, and a national network of other students’ unions to work with but its roots as a place for students to work together are still seen in the things students do through the union.

Our governance

Durham Students' Union is a company limited by guarantee (07689815), and registered in England and Wales and is a registered charity (1145400). The registered address is Dunelm House, New Elvet, Durham, DH1 3AN. Durham SU is a separate organisation to Durham University and its charitable governance is overseen by its' Board of Trustees. Under charity law and The Education Act 1994 both the Charity Commission and Durham University have obligations and requirements to and of Durham Students Union, for which the Trustees are responsible for ensuring are upheld. Durham SU's governing documents - our Code of Practice, Articles of Association, and Standing Orders seek to this is done in services of Durham SU's charitable objects. 

Our purpose

Durham SU exists for a purpose: We’re the champion of every Durham student. We’re interested in the things that matter to them. We stand up for their rights. We bring them together. We celebrate their success.

We know how we want to see the future. We’re working to make sure that students have the power and opportunity to transform their time at Durham. Our job is to make our vision into reality. This plan describes the actions we’ll take on our journey to achieve our vision.

We know where we’re heading, but we’ll definitely face new opportunities and challenges on the way. We’ll always be guided by our principles; they’ll ensure we make the right decisions, and help us hold ourselves to account: